Archived projects

As we move into working on new products, we thought it might be useful to put together a list of all of our archived open hardware products. Most of the projects listed are no longer actively supported, however the documentation contains useful links to design files, BOMs and make instructions.

Build a cheapstat potentiostat

While we are no longer supporting the Cheapstat potentiostat, we are actively supporting on our own open hardware potentiostat, which we call the Rodeostat potentiostat. We also have developed a multi-channel version called the Rodeostat Plus and a $20 low-cost Rodeostat FeatherWing.

Build a cheapstat potentiostat

Open source colorimeter (Kickstarter version)

These design documents are for our original educational colorimeter kit which we funded on Kickstarter in 2012. We are currently developing a new, updated version of the popular open hardware colorimeter, which will have a single machined or 3D printed cuvette holder and easier platform for collecting data. Stay tuned for updates!

Open hardware colorimeter

Mini gel electrophoresis system (Instructables tutorial)

Mini-gel electrophoresis boxes

Make an electrophoresis power supply

Electrophoresis power supply

Blue LED transilluminator

Midi Blue LED Transilluminator

Make a UV Transilluminator

UV transilluminator for mini-gels

Make an Imaging enclosure

Smartphone imaging enclosure

Make a stir-plate


Large physics photogate kit

Large physics photogates