Updates to Rodeostat firmware, python library & web app This week we are sharing new updates to the Rodeostat firmware, python library and web app.
Rodeostat Firmware Guide | IO Rodeo x GOSH New Rodeostat firmware guide & registration link for upcoming GOSH presentation
A Streamlit app for custom colorimeter calibrations Highlighting the oc-calibration-app developed using Streamlit for the Open Colorimeter.
New tools for creating a custom calibration for the Open Colorimeter New documentation for creating custom calibrations for the Open Colorimeter.
New video tutorials & user guides for the Open Colorimeter New instructional videos and user guides for the Open Colorimeter. Link to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
New tutorials for customizing the Open Colorimeter Highlighting new tutorials for customizing the Open Colorimeter
Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite Open Colorimeter assays for water quality testing Testing three water quality tests for the Open Colorimeter. These assays are ammonia, nitrate and nitrite.