OpenFlexure Microscope Kits Now Available

Earlier this year we shared a post spotlighting the OpenFlexure microscope. The OpenFlexure Microscope is an open hardware, 3D-printed, lab-grade, automated microscope. This open hardware science tool is highly customizable and is supported by an active community of users and developers. Since it was first introduced, the open hardware design files for the OpenFlexure microscope have been downloaded thousands of times.

IO Rodeo has been collaborating with OpenFlexure project creators Richard Bowman & Julian Stirling and the global Open Science Shop community towards a larger goal of distributed manufacturing of the OpenFlexure Microscope. For increased transparency we have also been documenting our progress as US-based manufacturers of OpenFlexure kits on the Product Guide.

This week we are excited to launch sales of OpenFlexure Microscope kits via our online store! Sales from each kit will also contribute directly back to the open science hardware project with 20% of profits to be distributed to the OpenFlexure team to support continued development of the open hardware microscope.

Microscope Kit Contents

The OpenFlexure Microscope Kit includes 3D-printed parts, hardware, electronics and motors as outlined below. Visit the Product Guide for a detailed list of the kit contents including photos of all of the parts.

OpenFlexure Microscope Kit: Parts List
This page lists all of the parts in our OpenFlexure Microscope kit. This kit is used to build either the Low-Cost version or High-Resolution version of the OpenFlexure v7 Microscope. Parts in this kit are sourced using the official OpenFlexure Bill of Materials as a guide. Kit Checklist We have
  • 3D-printed microscope parts. Choose from different color options 
  • 3D-printed black optics parts for making either the low-cost or high-resolution OpenFlexure microscope
  • 3D-printed actuator assembly tools and lens tool
  • Hardware kit. This has all of the hardware (screws, nuts, washers & O-rings) for the assembly 
  • 3 x Stepper Motors
  • Sangaboard v5
  • 8 Megapixels Raspberry Pi Camera Board v2 with 20 cm long Flex Ribbon Cable and lens removal tool
  • Illumination kit with illumination LED board, cable and diffuser
  • Condenser lens

You can also view a full-list of the kit parts in the Parts Checklist linked below:

The kit does not include a Raspberry Pi or the optical components for the High-Resolution microscope. More information for sourcing these parts is included in the link below:

Raspberry Pi and High-Resolution Optics Components
Additional Raspberry Pi requirements For both versions of the OpenFlexure microscope, you will also need a Raspberry Pi. As described in the Online Documentation, the microscope software supports Versions 3B, 3B+, and 4B. You can provide your own Raspberry Pi with power supply or you can purchase a Raspberry Pi

Assembly of the OpenFlexure Microscope Kit

This is an unassembled kit containing parts for making either the low-cost or the high-resolution version of the OpenFlexure Microscope v7. With this kit, users can follow the OpenFlexure v7 assembly instructions on the OpenFlexure website, linked below.

Build a Microscope
The OpenFlexure project aims to make high precision mechanical positioning available to anyone with a 3D printer - for use in microscopes, micromanipulators, and more.

Supplemental Instructions

We have also added some additional instructions and build images for this kit. The supplemental images and notes are included for additional guidance for this kit only, and are not a substitute for the official OpenFlexure build instructions, but are intended to add to the instructions or make note of any changes specific to the kit.

OpenFlexure Microscope Kit: Supplemental Build Instructions
🪛The supplemental assembly images and notes on this page are included for additional guidance for this kit only, and are not a substitute for the official build instructions. Once you are ready to start building your OpenFlexure Microscope kit, you will follow the official OpenFlexure Microscope project instructions depending on
OpenFlexure Microscope Kit: Supplemental Electronics Assembly Instructions
🔌These steps are covered in the official OpenFlexure Microscope Complete The Wiring assembly page. The supplemental assembly images and notes on this page are included for additional guidance for this kit only, and are not a substitute for the official build instructions. Step 1: Prepare electronics drawer Follow steps as

Purchase a kit

OpenFlexure Microscope Kit
This is an unassembled kit containing parts for making an OpenFlexure Microscope v7. The OpenFlexure Microscope is an open hardware, 3D-printed, lab-grade automated microscope. This open hardware science tool is highly customizable and can be used in a number of different applications. Since it was first introduced, th

More Information

If you have any questions let us know either via our Contact Form or via email to We also encourage you to check out the OpenFlexure Forum for more information. Subscribe to the Open Science Shop newsletter to follow the OpenFlexure distributed manufacturing work.