OpenFlexure Microscope Kit Product Guide

This is the documentation site for the OpenFlexure Microscope Kit. The OpenFlexure microscope is an open hardware, 3D-printed, lab-grade automated microscope. To learn more about the OpenFlexure Microscope project, visit the project website:

Development of the OpenFlexure microscope kits is carried out in collaboration with the OpenFlexure team and Open Science Shop. A portion of the profits from sales are contributed directly back to the open hardware project creators to support continued development.

Introduction to OpenFlexure Microscopes

Below is a link to the official website for the OpenFlexure Microscope project. The website includes links to all the build instructions, software, community forum, applications and more.

The OpenFlexure project
The OpenFlexure project aims to make high precision mechanical positioning available to anyone with a 3D printer - for use in microscopes, micromanipulators, and more.

This is a Spotlight feature we shared on the OpenFlexure project which includes some images from our first build.

Spotlight: Building an OpenFlexure Microscope
Spotlight on the OpenFlexure project as well as notes on building and using the open hardware microscopes

Kit Contents & Assembly

Low-Cost vs. High-Resolution microscope
OpenFlexure have developed several different microscope options. Our microscope kits are designed for making either the high-resolution or low-cost version. The main difference between these two microscopes is the optical component. Low-Cost Microscope Optics * The low-cost OpenFlexure microscope uses the lens from the Raspberry Pi Camera and is comparable to
OpenFlexure Microscope Kit: Parts List
This page lists all of the parts in our OpenFlexure Microscope kit. This kit is used to build either the Low-Cost version or High-Resolution version of the OpenFlexure v7 Microscope. Parts in this kit are sourced using the official OpenFlexure Bill of Materials as a guide. Kit Checklist We have
OpenFlexure Microscope Kit: Build Instructions
Once you are ready to start building your OpenFlexure Microscope kit, you will follow the official OpenFlexure Microscope build instructions. For both the Low-Cost and High-Resilution microscopes, skip steps 1 and 2 and start assembly at Step 3: “Prepare the Main Body”. Images of most of the assembly steps are
OpenFlexure Microscope Electronics Assembly
These steps are also covered in the official OpenFlexure Microscope Complete The Wiring assembly page. We have also included some additional images and instructions below specifically for the OpenFlexure Kit and the Sangaboard v5. About the Sangaboard Each kit includes a pre-programmed Sangaboard v5. The Sangaboard is the motor control

Purchase a Kit

OpenFlexure Microscope Kit
This is an unassembled kit containing parts for making an OpenFlexure Microscope v7. The OpenFlexure Microscope is an open hardware, 3D-printed, lab-grade automated microscope. This open hardware science tool is highly customizable and can be used in a number of different applications. Since it was first introduced, th