Rodeostat Product Guide
This is the documentation site for the Rodeostat Open Potentiostat. The Rodeostat is an open source potentiostat for performing electrochemical measurements. It is designed to work with either the Teensy 3.2 development board or the Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 Express Board. It is a very flexible instrument with multiple output voltage and current measurement ranges.
Listed below in the Table of Contents are links to pages describing the project designs, user guides and more. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via our contact form.
Table of Contents
Rodeostat Introduction
The Rodeostat is an open source (hardware and software) potentiostat which is ready-to-use with firmware/software implementing many standard voltammetric methods. One of the main development goals was to make it easy for users to make custom modifications. To enable this the Rodeostat design is base…
Open Source Firmware
Rodeostat firmware guide
In this set of notes we describe how to download, build and install the latest version of the firmware for your Rodeostat. Note, that all Rodeostats purchased from IO Rodeo are pre-programmed with the latest firmware - so if you have just purchased you don’t have to download and install
Open Source Hardware
Rodeostat PCB Design Files & BOM
Design file repository GitHub - iorodeo/potentiostatContribute to iorodeo/potentiostat development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHubiorodeo Current Rodeostat V0.2 hardware links * Schematic V0.2 * PCB layout (image) V0.2 * Bill of materials for the Rodeostat V0.2. Rodeostat V0.2 BOMShe…
Open Source Software
Rodeostat Software Overview
Software The software available for the Rodeostat consists of the device firmware which runs on the Teensy 3.2 development board and a Python Library for communicating with the potentiostat from the host PC. Teensy 3.2 firmware (in main repository - see the “firmware” sub-directory) 1. Allows…
Serialport-bridge Software
Serialport-bridge is a computer program which gives javascript applications
running in your web browser the ability to access and control USB/Serial devices
connected to your computer. This software was developed by IO Rodeo in order to
enable the distribution of application software as simple web p…
Rodeostat Web App Software
Software for IO Rodeo’s open source potentionstat is now available. The software provides a user friendly graphical interface. The software, written in javascript, runs in a web browser and allows the user to configure test parameters, visualize test results and save data. Requirements * Seria…
User Guides
(more coming soon)
Rodeostat Screen Printed Electrode (SPE) Adapters
We offer a variety of screen printed electrode adapters designed for screen printed electrodes (SPE’s) with different electrode configuration, electrode spacing and electrode sizes. They all connect to the 3-pin header on the Rodeostat with a 12″ cable. Electrode Spacing & Configuration When choosing an electrode adapter, you will first determine
Rodeostat assembly notes
The Rodeostat potentiostat is assembled and does not require these additional steps. These instructions are included for general interest and for anyone making their own Rodeostat. Teensy 3.2 Headers Solder the Teensy headers onto the Rodeostat board Solder the following female headers onto the…
Rodeostat Plus - Multichannel potentiostat
Rodeostat Multiplexer
The Rodeostat Multiplexer
[] is an expansion board for the Rodeostat potentiostat
[] which e…
Rodeostat Muliplexer Kit Assembly
The multiplexer kit
[] is an add-on
accessory for the Rodeostat
[] which expands the number of working electrodes that can be used with the…
Electrochemistry Tutorials
Electrochem Tutorials - IO Rodeo Blog
Peer-reviewed publications & conference proceedings
Rodeostat Publications
Chronological list of peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings using Rodeostat open source potentiostat.
Purchase a Rodeostat from the Online Store
Rodeostat: open source potentiostat
The Rodeostat is an open source potentiostat for performing electrochemical measurements which is designed to work with the Teensy 3.2 development board. It is a very flexible instrument with multiple output voltage and current measurement ranges. Current measurement ranges: +/- 1, 10, 100, 1000uA…
Documentation License
Documentation licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).